Great to Have You (15)

"Happy, I read some news about your family today."

"What news?" Mu Wansheng asked, stroking her baby bump.

"Your cousin Mu Qixing has divorced Luo Hang."

Mu Wansheng instantly knew that the Luo family had initiated it. "Their marriage wasn't going to last anyway. I was supposed to marry Luo Hang back then. Luo Hang has a girlfriend whom he has been dating for six or seven years. Their relationship is very stable and his parents were the ones who kept forcing him to marry someone else."

Mu Wansheng sat up straight while Tang Yucheng handed her her clothes. After putting them on, she got out of bed slowly.

She had to stay at home alone for the day because Tang Yucheng had to go to work in the city.

However, Tang Yucheng had bought her an electronic navigation device and a Labrador that served as her guide dog.

Mu Wansheng named it "Snowman."

After a day of training, it seemed to have approved of its new name.