Great to Have You (17)

Tang Yucheng would be filled with worry whenever Mu Wansheng headed out to buy some food.

He would also be thrilled and elated to see her coming back in one piece.

It had begun snowing outside. Thus, he repeatedly reminded Mu Wansheng to be careful while she was out to buy food.

Mu Wansheng told him not to worry and assured him that she would be back soon.

She held onto Snowman's leash and left the ward without the navigation device.

After reconnoitering around the hospital for two days, she knew exactly where to find a jewelry store.

She did not have to rely on the navigation device and only needed Snowman's guidance.

Upon arriving at the store, she removed the necklace on her neck and handed it to the lady at the counter. "I'd like to pawn this necklace. May I know how much I can receive?"

"I'll have to check with the store manager. Please give me a moment, Miss."


She stood still and waited.