Great to Have You (19)

Mu Wansheng had to wait a long while before she could be transferred to another ward. However, there was another patient in her new ward.

Hence, there was nowhere for Tang Yucheng to sleep. He told Mu Wansheng that he would be checking into an inn near the hospital. After he left, Mu Wansheng tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep at all.

She constantly wondered if Zuo Xingwei will spread the news about her being alive. But since he's already agreed, he probably wouldn't tell on me, would he?

I've known him for so long, he doesn't seem to be a blabbermouth.

She could not help but feel terrified whenever she recalled the moment that he recognized her.

Fortunately, it was Zuo Xingwei and not someone else. If it were him…

She dared not imagine the consequences.

She was willing to show her face to anyone except Fan Shixin.