Great to Have You (23)

She returned to Tang Yucheng's ward to discover that the three of them were still there. Noticing that Tang Mianmian was nowhere in sight, Tang Kangcheng's wife asked, "Sis-in-law, where's Mianmian?"

Mu Wansheng said, "I left her in someone else's care."

"What? Who did you leave her with? What if that person sells her away?" she asked in astonishment.

Mu Wansheng said, "He won't. Let's go home, I have something to talk to your brother about."

"Just where did you leave the child? You're such an irresponsible mother."

Mu Wansheng said, "I'll talk to your brother in private. You two stay out of this."

Tang Yucheng said, "We'll talk when we get home."

Mu Wansheng walked away with Snowman. Tang Kangcheng then grabbed the suitcases while his wife wheeled Tang Yucheng out in his wheelchair.