Great to Have You (34)

Tang Yucheng was greatly infuriated. However, there was nothing he could do.

"I'm actually angrier than you are. However, I've at least found what I lost. Wansheng wanted me to give you two million dollars, but I've decided to give you an extra million because, as she said, you're a good man. Three million dollars should be more than enough for you since you're living in the village. Use the money to build yourself a house and buy a car. Lots of women will be throwing themselves at you and begging you to marry them once you have those things. You actually have nothing to lose. Instead, you've even stood to gain." He handed Tang Yucheng the bank account card and said, "The PIN number is the six-digit code at the back of this card. There's three million dollars in the account."

Tang Yucheng accepted it, despite feeling indignant.

He did not have another option.

"Pack Happy's and Mianmian's belongings and take them with you."