Great to Have You (44)

Thereafter, he added, "But this is ultimately your family's private issue. I haven't married you, is it really okay to go as your boyfriend?"

"Why not? My grandfather is just trying to make things clear, right?" Wu Pingyang insisted on him going along with her. "Just go with me to take a look. I heard from my mother that Mu Wansheng's eyes have been treated."

"She really has a blessed life. I'm impressed."

"Isn't there a saying that goes, 'good people don't live long, but the evil live a thousand years to harm others'?"

Luo Hang laughed in amusement. "I can tell, your relationship with her is really terrible."

"It has been like this since we're young. It isn't a matter of one or two days." Speaking of this, Wu Pingyang asked him, "Is that Xia Banqin still contacting you?"