Great to Have You (55)

The three of them were greatly taken aback the moment they saw him.

Ji Gui muttered softly, "I didn't invite him though."

Long Xiaoxi stared at the two men who entered, remaining calm and composed.

A deafening silence filled the air. Jin Rongyan smiled and said, "Brother said that he happens to be free for dinner and wanted to catch up with everyone, so he tagged along."

Long Wenlun said, "Sure, join us, then. Xiaoxi just returned from abroad. She isn't clear about how everyone's doing yet. Let's chat while eating."

Long Xiaoxi smiled and said, "Yeah, all of us grew up together anyway. Join us."

She sounded calm and composed and acted rather natural. However, Long Wenlun was well aware that she was incredibly upset.

Some traumas just never go away.

Jin Yiheng resembled Jin Qingyan greatly and was just as tall. It had been a long time since he saw Long Xiaoxi.