The Battle of a Terminator (2)

"Ji Fengyan, weren't you so arrogant? You used your identity as a terminator to commit outrages. I want to see if you could still pull some tricks today?" With Lei Ao backing him, Lei Yuanxu forgot about how he was completely beaten up by Ji Fengyan miserably and shouted aggressively.

Ji Fengyan raised her brows slightly and said to Lei Yuanxu, "Why? Didn't you receive enough beating?"

Lei Yuanxu's face ashened. He suddenly thought of how Ji Fengyan had disgraced him at the Lei residence.

That day, to protect Lei Yuanxu, the Lei family could only agree to Ji Fengyan's request, but… Lei family's loss was very huge. Even though they had got some from the Ji family, it still did not recover everything. Even though Lei family did not mention it, but as the source of problem, Lei Yuanxu's life at the Lei residence was not enjoyable. In this family, there were also some young boys who had talked behind his back.