Agreement (3)

Ji Fengyan strutted back to Ji residence. This time, no one dared to criticise her. Everyone in Ji residence behaved like as though they had seen a spirit or God and escaped as fast they could from her sight.

No matter how unwilling Ji Qingshang and Ji He were, they still had to follow Ji Fengyan's orders and move Ji Fengyan's "possessions" from Yichen's house.

This was a huge torture for the two money-grubbers.

When they saw chests and chests of precious items being moved endlessly from Yichen's residence, they had almost fainted from agitation…

Besides the possessions that she had gotten from Ji family, she had also used her stone turning spell to transform a few chests of gold coins, and she also had the precious items that she had obtained from Gong Zhiyu and various auction houses.

Each item had dazzled Ji Qingshang's eyes.

Ji He had even drooled from the sight.
