A Royally Arranged Marriage (3)

Ji Fengyan stayed for a while, deciding to head home first before brainstorming for a solution. This was unacceptable…

She was just going to flush Lei Min out and kill him first.

Just see if that Emperor could betroth me to another doomed marriage!

Ji Fengyan had just told her farewells when Qin Muyao hurried over.

"I'll see you out." Qin Muyao offered with no room for debate.

Ji Fengyan, "…"

Liu Ruse stared in wonder at Qin Muyao's actions.

"Let's go." Qin Muyao walked out the door before Ji Fengyan could respond.

Ji Fengyan followed without a word.

Exiting Liu Ruse's room, Qin Muyao and Ji Fengyan walked one behind the other along the stone pathway in the backyard. Quickly reaching the front gates, Qin Muyao suddenly stopped and turned to face Ji Fengyan.

"What?" Ji Fengyan knew Qin Muyao was not so polite.