Turning Angry (2)

No matter how you scrutinized it, that slight rise in her abdomen looked like a pregnancy bump.

The moment she realized this, Ji Fengyan immediately turned toward Lei Min and the Eldest Princess.

As expected, Su Lingsheng's appearance had caused their faces to change into an abrupt shade of ghastly white.

Especially Lei Min, his earlier composed facade, was already showing signs of a crack. His eyes held a mixture of shock, anxiety and… much more complex emotions.

"Lord Grand Tutor wanted me to hand this person over to Your Majesty." Still looking straight ahead with a solemn expression, the dark guard pointed at the fallen Su Lingsheng.

Su Lingsheng turned her pale face and an imploring gaze toward the Eldest Princess and Lei Min.

Eldest Princess' shock was comparable to that of Lei Min's.