The Capital Institute (1)

Although many years have passed since, the Demon Seal mountain range was still a dangerous place. In this present day, nobody knew which exact clans had waged that savage battle in the mountain range's heart.

People only knew that the Demon Seal mountain range had become a taboo area for the countries. Apart from heading out to battle the demon clan, no one would go beyond the endless mountain range.

There were numerous rumors circulating on the Demon Seal mountain range. However, no one knew just which were real and which were false.

On the first day of school, the front gate of the capital institute was as busy as a marketplace. Crowds of students wound their way up from the foot of the mountain range to its peak. Countless horse carriages were parked at the bottom of the mountain, while a mass of prepped and well-equipped youths marched toward the top - heading towards the place that would change their entire lives.