Neglecting Greater Danger in Pursuit of Small Gain (2)

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, Zhou Bugui's face turned sheet white.

"I know."

Everyone was stunned.

"It's red team! It's Ji Fengyan! It has to be her! Everything must have been her trick!" Zhou Bugui hollered crazily and started to scan all directions suspiciously.

"Ji Fengyan, if you have the guts, come out now!" Zhou Bugui yelled towards the quiet forest.

The black and white teams all thought that he had gone crazy. There was obviously only three teams there, how was it that Zhou Bugui had dragged the red team into this?

Zhou Bugui's loud yell resounded on the peaceful lake surface. Just when the black and white team could not hold it in any longer and thought that he was feigning ignorance…

A light ray suddenly shot out from the quiet forest and directly flew to the lake surface behind them!