Spiritual Fox (2)

Amidst all that panic, the spiritual fox sped through the crowd. The entire parade grounds was in chaos. Just as the fox was about to burst out of the gathering, a towering figure blocked its path. Before the spiritual fox could react, that person raised a leg and kicked it!

With a pained cry, the fox landed heavily among the crowd. Ji Fengyan arrived at that moment and gazed down at the groaning spiritual fox. She looked up in wonder at the person who had blocked the fox's escape route.

Qin Muyao stood coldly before everyone. Amidst all that chaos, his actions had cut off the spiritual fox's only path of escape.

"Over to you." Qin Muyao looked blandly at Ji Fengyan. With that, he disappeared into the crowd.

Ji Fengyan gave a faint smile as she looked down at the writhing spiritual fox.

Qin Muyao's kick was crude and simple, but had broken the fox's spine. It could not escape even if it wanted to.