The Wolf Smoke Regiment (1)

The village on the east side of the Plain of Corpses. It used to be a peaceful and auspicious place, but was now in complete ruins.

Devastated walls were stained in blood. Corpses gnawed clean of flesh were piled in pools of blood.

The aura of death permeated thickly in this wretched little village.

A few Blaze Army soldiers were sitting inside a dilapidated cellar. Panting heavily, they were staring in alertness at the entrance. Blood and dirt covered their armour.

Made of over a hundred soldiers, demons attacked the reconnaissance team the moment they entered the village. The demons had devoured everyone in the entire village. The Blaze Army troops were trapped in battle, suffering serious fatalities and injuries. A few of them had escaped and hid inside the cellar. However, the image of their comrades and the villagers being butchered remained imprinted in their minds.