Stick Close To Me Now (2)

Chang Pu had thought Ji Fengyan was just putting up a brave front. But after being dragged along for one day and one night…

Chang Pu totally felt like dying.

"Let me down. I won't have them follow us anymore." Chang Pu was looking extremely ill. He was not a flying-type demon and could not withstand the torture of being in the air day after day. Ji Fengyan may not be hungry but he was famished…

Ji Fengyan raised her eyebrows at the peaky-looking Chang Pu. She gradually reduced her flying speed.

Chang Pu's expression took a slight turn for the better, but still looked very sick.

Ji Fengyan found a high spot to land. The moment they touched ground, Chang Pu knelt on the floor and puked.

"…" Ji Fengyan watched Chang Pu in astonishment.

"Are you afraid of heights?" Ji Fengyan suddenly asked.

Chang Pu's face hardened. "That's not it!"

Who could withstand that crazy flying for a whole day and night?