Leaving The City (1)

Qin Muyao had personally witnessed Ji Fengyan's capabilities. He had also heard of her battle against the 13 Elders. The Ji Fengyan at the time of the capital institute was probably still not a match for those 13 elite-level practitioners. But she had actually totally defeated all the Elders.

Her abilities had clearly been augmented to yet another level.

Apart from Terminators, no one in the entire capital city could restrain Ji Fengyan.

The Emperor could dispatch as many soldiers as he wished, but if Ji Fengyan wanted to leave, they could not hold her back!

As he thought of that, Qin Muyao lowered his eyelids and relaxed a bit.

Xing Lou would really protect Ji Fengyan.

If Qin Muyao had thought of it, how could Xing Lou not have?

As long as they could restrain these Terminators, no one else in the capital city could do any harm to Ji Fengyan.

That in itself would be enough.

"Dark guard." Xing Lou suddenly spoke up.