Trouble Comes-A-Knocking (1)

"A few dozens of times?" The Poison King's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

Xu Lao gave an awkward laugh. "No choice. If you want to eat, you could go hunting in the forests nearby. If you want to get some gold coins, you can either pawn some valuable items or exchange your captured game with the Blood Tribe. Of course, the price offered for your items would be much lower."

Ji Fengyan had wanted to buy some stuff in Fu Guang City, but no longer wished to do so.

She was not interested in taking part in the Blood Tribe's outrageous trading business.

As the three people walked and talked, they soon arrived at Ji Fengyan's place. But she felt something was off the moment she arrived.

Linghe and the rest were standing in the small yard with grim expressions. The horse carriages which had been parked outside had disappeared. The old and worn furniture within the house were also in a mess.