Building A Kingdom (3)

Everyone gasped as he scattered the yellow beans on the ground.

Just as they were feeling totally nonplussed, Ji Fengyan suddenly drew out her evil-vanquishing sword and stabbed the tip into the ground. A layer of golden light suddenly spread out from beneath her feet and shot out in all directions!

In the blink of an eye, the golden light had covered the entire ground. The yellow beans were all engulfed by that glow.

The whole congregation stared dumbfounded at the scene. They could barely believe their own eyes.

What the hell was that!

In the next instant, clumsy figures slowly climbed up from the ground one by one. Made up of intertwined vines, each humanoid vine had a small green sprout growing on its head. They stood up, swaying side to side.

A loud clunk.

The jaws of all the people who witnessed this scene had dropped to the floor.

Yellow beans… humanoid vine…

What the hell was this!!