A Nationwide Celebration (3)

Ji Fengyan glared at Liu Huo and nearly used the silk box in her hands to hit his head.

Liu Huo got off the bed in an unhurried manner, a mild smile on his face. He walked to Ji Fengyan's side and took out that exquisitely sewn wedding outfit from the silk box.

"I remember you mentioned before that you want to wear a red outfit for your wedding. I don't know if this dress is what you imagined." Liu Huo's lowered eyes was full of warmth.

"What do you mean?" The corners of Ji Fengyan's mouth twitched. Wedding? What the hell!

How did the whole Heavenly Courts change so drastically after only one night's sleep?

Liu Huo looked innocently at Ji Fengyan. "I mean nothing. I just recalled your earlier words and mentioned it to Gong Zhiyu when I met him in the city yesterday."

Liu Huo spoke so sincerely, but there was no way Ji Fengyan would believe he was so simple.