I Am Going To Beat You All Up (1)

The pale-faced crowd looked at Ji Fengyan, who appeared to have undergone a complete transformation. They could hardly believe their eyes.

They were Terminators from the various kingdoms. Although they had not activated their World-Termination-Armour yet, they were all exceptionally skilled fighters. Not even in their wildest dreams would they ever expect to be kneeling before such a young girl.

Liu Kai couldn't help smiling at the frustrated faces of those Terminators.

These bunch of guys actually dared to threaten Ji Fengyan, they must be tired of living.

The congregation had yet to recover from their shock when Ji Fengyan took out a silver whip from her Space Soul Jade. With the flick of her wrist, the long whip emitted a sharp cracking sound.

That sound triggered a round of goosebumps in the crowd.

A sense of foreboding surfaced in their hearts.