Crusade (1)

While Long Yue was still in a panic, the demons standing outside the forest suddenly moved towards the army of human soldiers.

Long Yue was glad and did not care about the lives of Hua Xia. He directly told the army of terminators, "ll of you activate your world-termination-armour now!"

After he said that, all the terminators immediately prepared to activate their world-termination-armour.

But the instant before they did so, a voice interrupted them.

"Do not activate your world-termination-armour." Suddenly, a terminator walked out from among the crowd and walked in front of Long Yue.

Even though Wei Xu had been defeated by Liu Kai previously, he still had an irreplaceable status in everyone else's hearts. After Wei Xu spoke, Qin Muyao also walked out from the group and stood beside him. He looked at Liu Kai and said, "We shall only follow the commands of the Emperor."