Ate A Bear's Heart And A Leopard's Gall (1)

Du Qiang's attack was extremely cruel. Just based on the hatred between the two sects, he wished he could kill these nine people here and then. The sword in his hand pierced towards Qin Huan mercilessly, and if not for Gu Yanqiu's defense, Du Qiang would have made a bloody hole in Qin Huan's body.

"A dignified Qinglin Sect disciple is actually this shameless!" Qin Huan uttered furiously.

Du Qiang scoffed, "Power is in the hands of those who win. Since you all are not our opponents, you should get down on your knees and beg for mercy. If I'm happy, I might be kind and let you all off."

"Bah!" Qin Huan shouted angrily.

A murderous look flashed across Du Qiang's eyes as he used his eyes to signal the two disciples beside him to divert Gu Yanqiu's attention while he attacked Qin Huan.