Dragon Court (4)

Ye Qingtang calculated mentally and immediately smiled. "I want all of them."

Right after Ye Qingtang spoke, Tong Hua was dumbfounded, and even the Herbal Faction disciple who had been mocking Tong Hua felt his jaw drop from the shock!

She wants all seventy to eighty of them?

Is this little junior sister crazy!

Tong Hua was stunned for quite a while and suspected whether he heard wrongly. He could not help but confirm again. "Little… little junior sister, how many did you say you wanted??"

Ye Qingtang's smile remained as she said, "All."

"…" Tong Hua was really shocked.

He got these Spirit Crystals half a year ago, and after selling for a whole six months, he only sold two or three pieces. Never would he dream that someone would actually buy all of his Spirit Crystals at one go, and it was someone who seemed to be a newly-entered disciple!