Fierce Battle (2)

Zhou Xuan and Lin Long's skills were good and were also above average in the outer sect. However, they did not dare to be careless at that moment.

Countering a siege of over three hundred people with only three people was not a joke.

Even they were already breaking out in a cold sweat.

Moreover, there seemed to be some frightening evil spirit hidden in the second level. If the evil spirit joined the battle, they would definitely not be able to escape!

Lin Long pushed the enemies back while trying to search for an exit at the same time. But what surprised her was…

Ye Qingtang's skills were actually not below hers at all!

Ye Qingtang's attack was sharp, and although her force was not as fierce as that of Lin Long and Zhou Xuan, her moves were fatal. Every attack was accurately aimed and pierced at the enemy's vital points. Her attacks definitely killed the enemy in just one move without leaving them any room for struggle.