Dare to touch her? (3)

An extremely cold voice suddenly knocked onto her heart.

This voice… is so familiar.

Ye Qingtang was slightly astonished.

This voice obviously belonged to the person whom Mu Su brought her to meet that day.

Watching the evil spirit retreating away cowardly, Ye Qingtang felt a complicated and indescribable feeling.

"That evil spirit wanted to suck my mother's blood and essence just now. Would-be… uh… You must not let it off!" Upon seeing the familiar back view, the little dragon man was suddenly energetic as it jumped out to lodge a complaint without caring about the crack on its face.

A murderous air surrounded the tall man instantly, and the evil spirit suddenly felt an overpowering force directed towards him.

He clearly did not move at all, but an overpowering force was instantaneously emitted from the man.

All of a sudden, an invisible airstream rammed against the evil spirit's chest!