Hell On Earth (1)

Then, the Blood Moon Sect Elder turned and left.

Sensing that the powerful aura of the Blood Moon Sect Elder had faded away, Ye Qingtang finally heaved a sigh of relief, but her heart was hanging in midair.

She crushed a nephrite in her hand. She did not know when would the Elders arrive. The entire Deer City was already sealed off by the blood fog. If they tried to escape, they would probably end up like those horses…

Ye Qingtang took a deep breath and fixed her emotions.

There was evidently a power in the Blood Moon Sect Elder's last sentence which stunned people. Just looking at the reactions of Qin Huan and the rest, one could tell how scary that overbearing force was. At that instant, Ye Qingtang was extremely grateful that she possessed the Heart of the Demon God, as it gave her a certain level of resistance against the bewitching force.

But at present…

Ye Qingtang narrowed her eyes.