Fight for Life (1)

The youth trembled in fear, and his eyes were full of tears.

The Elder of the Blood Moon Sect squinted his eyes. He smiled as he looked at the young man. He walked slowly to the cage and stared at him in a superior way.

When the young man's sight met with the Elder's one, he could feel the fear spreading through his body. His face was paler, and the hands that were shielding the youth shivered.

Suddenly, the Elder of the Blood Moon Sect smashed his hand at the young man's chest. The five fingers pierced through his chest.

A screech exploded from the young man's mouth.

A beating heart was dug out by the Elder's hand the next second.

The young man's body collapsed, and blood flowed out from the wound on his chest.

The youth behind stared at the familiar figure in shock. He cried desperately as his Senior Brother lost all his breath.


This was not the end yet.