Possession (3)

The dry, savage face of the Blood Moon Sect Elder was suddenly reflected in Zhou Qu's fearful eyes.

The Blood Moon Sect Elder placed a hand on top of Zhou Qu's and held it tightly. Opening its mouth wide, blood fog suddenly emitted out from the Blood Moon Sect Elder's mouth and entered Zhou Qu's eyes, nose, mouth, and ears!

As the blood fog gradually entered Zhou Qu's body, the Blood Moon Sect Elder's eye lost its insidious glint, and the dried body fell on the ground with a loud sound.

While the horror on Zhou Qu's face suddenly disappeared, the two zombies beside him released their hold on him instantly.

"Zhou Qu" frowned slightly. Looking at his hands, he took a deep breath, and the blood fog that lingered on his face was absorbed into the body. When he looked up, his eyes no longer contained despair and was replaced with a solemn expression instead. A blood crescent symbol appeared between his brows.