Treasure Collection (4)

One hundred thousand Xuanming points?

Qin Huan gulped silently. However, a moment later, he felt that… given such aura exuding from the Demonic Blood Sword, one hundred thousand Xuanming points were worth it.

Should he be glad for Junior Sister Ye that there were bad rumors about this Demonic Blood Sword?

The onlooking disciples were dizzy from the motion of the Demonic Blood Sword and were extremely envious.

Even if it was really as dangerous as rumored, they would not give up such a magnificent sword if they had the chance!

Swordsmanship was the main specialization of Xuanling Sect, and if they could obtain this divine weapon, they would be able to scale even greater heights in the future!

After finishing admiring the sword, Ye Qingtang placed it back into its scabbard and looked at the warden. "I want to exchange for the Demonic Blood Sword."