Master of Forging (2)

The incharge saw that Ye Qingtang seemed to be leaving and immediately looked at the elderly beside him.

The elderly man had a complicated expression. After remaining silent for some time, he suddenly walked up and asked, "Can I take a look at the two weapons you forged just now?"

Ye Qingtang exceeded her allotted time and was not in a position to reject his plea. Thus, she took both the dagger and the Demonic Blood Sword out.

The incharge walked forward and held the weapons cautiously with a stunned expression in his eyes. Placing the two weapons before the elderly man, the two people looked on agitatedly as though they were looking at precious treasures.

Staring at the weapons, the elderly man gently brushed his old hand against the two weapons. The Demonic Blood Sword emitted a cold air while some remaining warmth still remained in the dagger.