Give A Try (4)

The blacksmiths were stunned when they heard what the incharge just said.

Was the incharge mad?

He wanted a young girl to take over the task of forging the Remnant Ice Sword?

Ye Qingtang was also shocked by his request.

"Little girl, I know that you are talented in forging. To be honest, the Remnant Ice Sword is required by Elder Mo of the internal inner sect. If you can help us with it, as the incharge of the Sword Spirit Workshop, I can promise you that the price of anything you want to forge in the future will reduce by ten times."

Ye Qingtang was not interested at first, but her eyes sparkled once she heard the words "reduce by ten times."

The price of forging in the Sword Spirit Workshop was extremely high.

If the price could be reduced by ten times…