Ye You (1)

It was the figure of a male and a female. The man had an ash-white complexion and was wearing a long black robe while the lady beside him was donned in white and had an arrogant and aloof expression. Under the moonlight, she was exceptionally beautiful like a fairy that descended into the world, commanding respect from everyone.

However, Ye Qingtang's mind exploded when she saw the face of the girl in white!

Ye You!

The girl standing on the back of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Phoenix was clearly Ye You, the girl who snatched her spirit root back then!

Never had Ye Qingtang expected to actually see Ye You on the Drifting Cloud Island. The moment Ye Qingtang saw Ye You's face, the emotions that Ye Qingtang had suppressed for a long time surged as though they wanted to rush out of her heart.

She tightened her grip on the Demonic Blood Sword as she glared at Ye You, who stood on the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox.