The Oncoming Storm (3)

On this mainland, a sect's strength was not merely judged based on the skills of the high-ranking executives but more by the heritage passed down from a thousand years ago.

For example, that divine beast was one piece of Yunxiao Sect's heritage, and even the Yunxiao Sect Sect Master might not be as powerful as this divine beast!

From a certain degree, Yin Yang True Lord already represented an almost unparalleled force!

"Yunxiao Sect… They truly want to exterminate the entire Xuanling Sect…" An internal affairs elder sighed as he looked at the demonic beast which was large enough to cover the entire sky.

Even the divine beast was activated, and Yunxiao Sect's intention to annihilate Xuanling Sect was extremely clear.

Elder Mo and the rest fell into silence as well.

In just a while, a scarlet figure appeared.