Save People (2)

"That's right. The Ouyang clan of the Nine Nights Dynasty agrees to open the door and save people." The Blood Moon Elder broke the silence.

The others of the Ouyang clan also showed their stand.

Though their Young Miss seemed to be obsessed with the pretty boy, the pretty boy's words did make sense. The silver door that was made of black iron would not stop a sect master of a super sect. If they could save one person, there would be one more person fighting alongside them.

Soon, some sect disciples looked towards the outside of the palace.

A huge monster appeared in everyone's vision a few kilometers away in the desert.

"We agree to open the door!" a few sect disciples said.

Even the Yunxiao Sect disciples seemed to change their mind.

"Who dares!" The Yunxiao Sect elder shouted in rage.

However, Ye Qingtang did not even look at the Yunxiao Sect elder. She opened the door instantly without leaving any chance for the elder to talk.