Fiendcelestial Beast (1)

What laid before them was a huge black crocodile crazily chasing after a handsome gentleman and a stunning lady.

"Isn't that… Young Miss Ouyang Qian of the Ouyang family clan from the Nine Nights Dynasty…"

Many super sects disciples recognized Ouyang Qian, who was possessed by the Blood Moon Elder, at one eye.

"That demonic beast… is a king-level demonic beast?"

After seeing the black crocodile that was chasing after two people, many super sects disciples were stunned.

King-level demonic beasts rarely appeared in the outer world and were usually active in the deepest areas of dangerous mountain ranges. They were extremely powerful, with their combat power being at least at the peak of the Second Heaven of Martial Qi Level Three. Many king-level demonic beasts at the level of a Yin Yang Perfected Lord existed as well.