I'll Keep for You

Based on Ye Qingtang's observations, there were at least a few million kilograms of the Millennium Meteoric Iron on the second level.

"Oh my god!" The Blood Moon Elder exclaimed at the Meteoric Iron mountain below the staircase.

During the prime of the Blood Moon Sect a thousand years ago, the amount of the Millennium Meteoric Iron in the sect was only around ten kilograms…


Ye Qingtang flew up and landed on the Meteoric Iron mountain in the next second.

Ye Qingtang was very swift as she put all the scattered Millennium Meteoric Iron into her space ring until the entire space was full.

"Around a hundred kilograms… It's a pity that the storage of my space ring is not enough…" Ye Qingtang sighed.

However, when she just turned over, she realized that the Blood Moon Elder was also continuously picking up and putting the Millennium Meteoric Iron into his space ring.