It's Actually You (3)

"I understand already." Ye Qingtang nodded as she looked at the black-robed person.

There would never be a conclusion if one were to debate over the right and wrong on this matter.

As a loyal follower of that extraordinary lady, the black-robed person wanted to avenge her, and there was nothing wrong with this.

If it were Ye Qingtang, she might not be any better than the black-robed person.

However, from another point of view, the predecessors who schemed against the extraordinary lady were almost all dead as time passed, and the people living on this mainland presently did not do anything wrong.

Ye Qingtang's foster father and everyone in the Ye family clan grew up in this mainland. Should they all die to return the blood debt of those damn predecessors whom they did not even know?

Who was right, and who was wrong? The right and wrong could no longer be judged.