It's Actually You (7)

Ye Qingtang kept the Demonic Blood Sword in its sheath once again and bent down to pick up the Ice Frost Divine Sword.

The moment her hands touched it, she was attacked by a coldness which caused her mind to be slightly dazed.

Ye Qingtang immediately used her primordial qi to isolate this coldness, and her complexion finally turned slightly better.


The black-robed person glared at Ye Qingtang furiously.

"It's you who is too careless." Ye Qingtang's lips curled up slightly as she held the Ice Frost Divine Sword. "I've signed an equality contract with this Fiendcelestial Beast, and we can communicate within our hearts. But you saw that it was an infant and never paid any attention to it. If you could be more cautious, even if it was just to be on your guard against this seemingly-useless Fiendcelestial Beast, I would not have obtained this Ice Frost Divine Sword so easily."