So What If I Slap You (2)

Was this beautiful young man crazy!!

He actually… slapped… Shangguan Rui?!

"Still complete annihilation?" A faint smile slowly appeared on Ye Qingtang's handsome face as she watched the dumbfounded Shangguan Rui.

"You…" Shangguan Rui was slightly stunned, but the stinging pain on his cheeks reminded him of everything that happened a while ago. When he returned to his senses, he glared at Ye Qingtang furiously. "Son of a bitch! How dare you hit me!! I want you to die without a place to be buried! I want to chop off your head and dig out your eyes!"

"Oh?" Ye Qingtang looked at the enraged Shangguan Rui with interest.

Without waiting for Shangguan Rui to continue cursing at her, Ye Qingtang suddenly raised her hand again!


Before everyone's eyes, Ye Qingtang slapped Shangguan Rui's cheeks heavily once again.

Within seconds, a few handprints emerged on Shangguan Rui's face.