The Silver Wolf

Chu Yi's neck was cut by the silver wolf, and he collapsed on the ground. The silver wolf's sharp claws tore his neck apart, and a large amount of blood was spurting out of the wounds, dyeing the ground below him red. Within a few seconds, he was out of breath.

Ye Qingtang did not care about Chu Yi's life right now. She stared surprisingly at her regained treasure.

"Xiao Guai, how come you are here?" Ye Qingtang took a step forward and went in front of the silver wolf. She sized up the familiar figure, and her eyes were filled with joy.

The silver wolf stood in front of Ye Qingtang calmly. Its eyes scanned through Ye Qingtang and then landed on the little white tiger behind her.

It just took a glance without any further reaction.

Ye Qingtang did not expect that she would meet the silver wolf here. Based on the silver wolf's reaction, it recognized her as well.