Amazing (2)

Xiong Feng ran over hurriedly and spoke once he saw Ye Qingtang. "Ye Chen, why are you back so soon? Did you come around? Do you want to find another elder to be apprenticed to?"

Ye Qingtang shook her head and smiled. "That's not the case. I'm still here to be apprenticed to Perfected Xuanchen."

"Huh?" Xiong Feng was surprised. This time, he noticed that there was an elderly beside Ye Qingtang and immediately gasped when he fixed his eyes on the person.

In the main hall of Falling Sky Valley, Yan Shu was helping Perfected Xuanchen to tidy up the scrolls on the table.

"Master, the Blue Cloud Peak's disciples are a little unsettled recently. They looked for trouble with the disciples at our side when they left the valley. This matter…" Yan Shu said with a frown.

Perfected Xuanchen's brows were furrowed. He was about to speak but saw Xiong Feng entering the hall anxiously.

"Reporting Valley Master. That Ye Chen is back again."