Causing Trouble (1)

This person was Li Jingwen, and he was the eldest disciple of Blue Cloud Peak's Peak Master. Among all the Blue Cloud Peak disciples, he was the most skilled.

Li Jingwen's eyes swept across those junior brothers. When he saw the bruises on their faces, a sharp look flashed across his eyes.

"Really a useless bunch. You all actually got beaten up by a fellow who just entered the valley and still have the face to come and complain."

Those disciples trembled after being shouted at by Li Jingwen.

Li Jingwen narrowed his eyes and spoke slowly. "Since Admirable Sky Peak has such an ill-behaved person, Blue Cloud Peak will not be that easygoing either. You all will go to Admirable Sky Peak with me."

Those Blue Cloud Peak disciples' eyes brightened immediately, and they followed Li Jingwen.