Opening of The Dragon Vein

Since the little white tiger said that, it proved that the Diamond Boulder from earlier on was not simple.

"That stone did not provoke you. Why do you want to snatch the flower on its head?" The little white tiger asked.

Ye Qingtang looked puzzled after hearing the little white tiger. "How can it be called snatching? Everything in this Dragon Vein is formed by spirit energy and does not have an owner. They're only waiting for fated people to retrieve them. Moreover, the Everlasting Flower is merely a useless decoration for that stone, but it's very meaningful to me."

The little white tiger nodded immediately. "Fuck. You're right. I forgot that everything in the Dragon Vein is transformed by the spirit energy on this mainland, including that rotten stone."

Currently, Ye Qingtang did not continue to think of the Everlasting Flower and was instead worried about the safety of Master Du and the silver wolf.