It's You Whom I Am Hitting (3)

Before everyone returned to their senses.


An eruption sounded.

Subsequently, Feng Wuya was flung out like a kite with a snapped string.


Feng Wuya spat a mouthful of blood in midair.

"Junior Brother Feng!"

Noticing the situation, everyone from the Divine Virtual Academy could no longer care about Gu Tianhe and surged forward to catch Feng Wuya.

"I heard that you're looking for me?"

Standing beside Gu Tianhe, Ye Qingtang remarked flatly. Her long, jet-black hair swayed in the wind while her eyes were filled with nothing but indifference.

After finishing her sentence, she looked at Feng Wuya coldly. A cold glint shone in her eyes.

The lives of the people from the Supreme Academy had nothing to do with her originally, but no matter what, she somewhat had some relations with Gu Tianhe and Feng Wudang.