Devouring Bloodline (3)

A piercing sound filled the space. This area seemed to lie prostrate and tremble under the sword. The scarlet sword gleam filled the air, destroying everything in its path and cutting a wide swath.

However, just as Ye Qingtang drew the Regicide Sky Blade, the girl vanished completely. It was as if she had melted into the air, and she was nowhere to be found.

Boom, boom, boom!!

The next moment, a thunderous crash rang out. The scarlet sword gleam had smashed a mountain peak a thousand meters away, pulverizing it. The gravel fell to the ground like rain.

"You're pretty powerful."

The girl suddenly tore through space, and she walked out from an unknown space.


Ye Qingtang was stunned when she saw the girl tear space and walk out from it.

This girl's skills were truly frightening…

Even an Emperor-level cultivator could not compare with this girl's understanding and ability to manipulate space!