Price (4)

Ling Yan did not seem to be concerned with what the little azure dragon said. "To me, the body is not important. So be it if it exists or is destroyed."

"What did you say…" The little azure dragon was taken aback as astonishment filled its eyes.

"Ling Yan… could it be that you don't intend to recover all of the body's powers in the future?"

The little azure dragon looked at Ling Yan with a complicated expression and continued,

"Although you already have your current body… your powers are all in your previous body. Even if you're unconcerned, at least recover your powers. That is where all of the Demon God's martial powers are!"

The powers of that empty shell were not what Ling Yan's current skill of Martial Qi Level Three Third Heaven could compare to!

Was he really going to forgo it?!