Traitor (4)

Elder Qu was taken aback by Ye Qingtang's words. He did not understand her meaning but involuntarily glanced at her brow.

The next moment, a thin blood-colored crescent moon surfaced on Ye Qingtang's brow. The singular Blood Moon aura filled the entire area. The Blood Moon aura, which was unique to the Blood Moon Holy Lady, gradually surfaced.

Elder Qu was stunned for a few seconds when he saw the blood-colored crescent moon on Ye Qingtang's brow. When he snapped out of his trance, his lips moved a little, but he remained rooted to the spot.

A thousand years ago, Elder Qu had been a Blood Moon Sect Elder. He certainly recognized the mark of the Holy Lady of the Blood Moon Sect…

The girl standing before him had such a powerful Blood Moon aura…

"H-h-holy Lady… impossible… that's impossible!" Elder Qu could not believe it.