Casual Stroll

Perfected Xuanchen was doubtful but did not dare to speak as he wished when just inches away from an unparalleled Yang Lord.

"Since that's the case, please enter Falling Sky Valley, Yang Lord."

Perfected Xuanchen immediately took a small step back and gestured to Ye Qingtang politely.

Ye Qingtang did not say a word and entered Falling Sky Valley.

After knowing that a Yang Lord appeared in Falling Sky Valley, both Peak Masters of Water Cut Peak and Blue Cloud Peak showed up.

However, Ye Qingtang only talked to Perfected Xuanchen and did not really bother with the other Peak Masters.

At this instant, Perfected Xuanchen was walking in the lead while everyone else was beside Ye Qingtang and did not dare to say anything.

No one was clear of this young Yang Lord's intentions for coming to Falling Sky Valley, and Perfected Xuanchen could only be extremely cautious.