The Conspiracy

"Old Valley Master, what are you doing?!"

Perfected Xuanchen was completely dumbfounded upon witnessing the situation. His face was full of disbelief.

The old Valley Master killed a few Peak Masters instantly.

"Master, don't go."

Ye Qingtang stretched her hand out and pulled Perfected Xuanchen back to prevent him from getting near the old Valley Master.

"Qingtang, did the old Valley Master enter the Qi Deviation during his treatment!" Perfected Xuanchen looked towards Ye Qingtang immediately.

Ye Qingtang squinted her eyes and scanned through the elder in front of her.

Ye Qingtang pulled back her sight and shook her head towards Perfected Xuanchen. She frowned and said, "Master, I don't think that the old Valley Master… entered the Qi Deviation."